Monday 29 June 2015

New, new, new

So it's always the way, if you are waiting for something it will take longer to come!!  That is what has happened to me.  My period is sometimes one or two days give or take but this time it was 9 days late, couldn't believe it! "Are you kidding me" were my thoughts!
So we were finally able to get IVF #4 under way.
New clinic, new dr so why not new protocol!  I was on Elonva, gonal f 600iu, saizen (growth hormone), luveris and orgalutran.  Needless to say my poor belly started getting very tender with all of these shots.  But considering I'm a pro at fresh cycles it didn't bother me.
Had my first scan today at day 11 and I have five follicles all between 18-23mm.  I will be honest it's not the greatest results and I was disappointed.  Retrieval is booked for Wednesday morning at 10.30am.
Now I just need to pray hard that there is an egg in each follicle!

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