Monday 20 July 2015

IVF #4 update

So retrieval went better than we thought, we got 8 eggs!!  Got the call the next day and 4 had fertilised as some weren't mature enough which was to be expected considering the scan only showed 5 follicles.  Transfer day came and I felt really good!  We had two really good embryos and one that could possibly make it to freeze.  We transferred one and froze the other.  It was so amazing to get to actually see the little white dot float into my lining.
The next day they called to say the other one didn't make it to freeze.  That was a bit of a bummer.
This transfer just felt different I wasn't anxious at all and it just sailed past.
Beta day came and the results were positive but very low, hcg was 9.  I knew it could go either way but I wasn't holding onto hope!
Beta number two came, three days later and I had already started to bleed so knew the outcome.  Sure enough the level had dropped to 5, we were miscarrying.  I had my follow up appointment on the same day so we are starting an FET cycle in two days time to use our one and only frostie.
I just really want and need this one to work and stay with us!  Please please please!!

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