Thursday 17 April 2014

Yes more tests...

So the test results were ok.  DH of course was great again.  Me on the other hand got given yet another setback.  My auto immune antibodies came back slightly elevated which could mean that my body attacks the embryo as if it's a foreign body and therefore either never gets a chance to implant or implants and then gets "kicked out."  So the plan is to put me on Synarel nose spray starting on CD21 in June and I will stay on this until my IVF cycle starts in September.  I will start stims and after collection I will go on a low dose of Prednisone and aspirin to ensure my body doesn't reject the embryo.  We will also do PGD testing this time so we know we are only using viable embryos not just ones that "look good" under the microscope.  I am so petrified that none of them will be viable.  I don't know how I will cope with that and know that my journey of having my own biological children is over.  Hopefully I won't have to deal with that.

So I have 49 days until I start the nose spray which means I am closer to my cycle and to my baby.  I think I have done pretty well to have waited this long already.

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